Monday, 23 June 2014

Setup Steps for Phonegap

1. Download eclipse (Indigo or any suitable) -

2. Download Latest Android SDK -

3. Download Latest Apache ant -

4. Download Latest Cordova -

5. Set all paths in terminal in bash_profile file:
ANT_OPTS="-Xms256M -Xmx512M"
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools
#alias android='/<Path-to--directory>/android-sdk/tools/android'

6. Create, add platforms & build using terminal commands:
$ cordova create <Folder Name> <Package Name> <App Name>
$ cd <Folder Name>
$ cordova platform add android/ios
$ cordova build
$ cordova serve android

Deploy .ipa file in App store generated by Phonegap?

Here is an overview of how to submit a PhoneGap app to the App Store aka iTunes Connect. Amazingly, PhoneGap doesn't seem to provide these instructions.

  1. In the iOS Provisioning Portal, create a distribution certificate. As part of this process you will use Keychain Manager to create a Distribution Certificate. Export this certificate to Certificates.p12 by right-clicking on it and choosing Export. Record the password because you will need it every time you do a build on
  2. In the iOS Provisioning Portal create an app ID for your app.
  3. Create an App Store distribution profile and make sure you use the same private key/certificate to sign it as above. Download it.
  4. Now go to and go to your iOS build, and "add a key ...". Call it "App Store" and upload the .p12 file and the .mobileprovision file.
  5. Rebuild and download the IPA file from PhoneGap Build.
  6. Make sure that your app is set to Ready to Upload Binary in iTunes Connect.
  7. Upload the app using Application Loader which comes with Xcode. You will upload the IPA file.